Shambhala Training 1: The Art of Being Human
with Mark Seibold & Mariah Freemole
The practice of mindfulness awakens a powerful transformational potential in
our hearts and minds. The Art of Being Human weekend provides both
practical instruction for meditation practice and a view of how that practice
can manifest in our lives.
The Art of Being Human is the first in a sequence of five weekend retreats
that are an integral part of the Way of Shambhala core curriculum offered at
all Shambhala Centers. The weekend provides a strong foundation in mindfulness-awareness meditation practice and emphasizes the development of genuine confidence, humor, and personal dignity within the complexity of daily life.
This weekend program includes meditation instruction, meditation practice,
one-on-one meetings to clarify questions, talks by experienced teachers, and
group discussion. Additionally, it provides an opportunity to meet others
looking to develop and deepen the practice of meditation, insight, and
Each Shambhala Training weekend provides a foundation for subsequent
weekends. Shamabhala Training 1: The Art of Being Human is required for
Shambhala Training 2: The Birth of the Warrior. Attendance is required for
the Friday night talk and for each session of the program.
Open Door Policy:
Our intent is to share the Shambhala Buddhist teachings with all who are
interested in participating, regardless of financial circumstances.
Most of our programs have a Sustaining Fee — which represents the
amount needed to cover the center’s costs, and includes things such as our
rent, materials and supplies, etc.
Our programs also have an Enriching Fee— for those who are able to offer more than the Sustaining Fee. Your generosity in offering the Enriching Fee helps cover the costs for those who are not able to pay the full amount.
If the full Sustaining Fee is an obstacle for you, please offer as much of the
Sustaining Fee as possible by clicking the “Pay what you can afford”
option when registering. Additionally, if you are able to give more to help
sustain the center and help those in need, please consider donating more
than the Enriching Fee by choosing this option as well.
The donations of members and program donations allows PVSMC to continue
offering classes and a space in which we all can practice. Your generosity is
powerful and greatly appreciated.