Tuesday, January 16, 2024 (18:00 -20:00)
Tuesday, January 23, 2024 (18:00 -20:00)
Tuesday, February 6, 2024 (18:00 -20:00)
Tuesday, February 13, 2024 (18:00 -20:00)
Tuesday, February 27, 2024 (18:00 -20:00)
Sunday, March 10, 2024 (12:00 -17:00)
All Rooms
**This Class is a continuation of Contemplating Reality Part One. Participation in the first section is required to take part in Part Two.
We begin the second 6-week session of Contemplating Reality with a brief review of the foundational schools of the Vaibhashika and Sautrantika which lay the foundation for the teachings of the Mind Only tradition. The core assertion of Mind Only is that external objects do not exist. Following that we will enter into the Middle Way or Madhyamaka tradition, which presents the most subtle, final view of the tradition. Part Two of Contemplating Reality will consist of five weeknight classes plus a final, concluding half-day retreat.
If it turns out that 6:30-8:30 works better for the majority of the group we can adjust to the later time for meetings after February 16.
The final date and time of the retreat will be March 10, from 12pm to 5pm.
The course is led by Mark Seibold, who has been studying and practicing in the Shambhala community since the early 1980s. He is also on the faculty of the Nitartha Institute where he teaches Tibetan literature and translation and the Foundational Curriculum.
This class will use the text “Contemplating Reality” by Andy Carr. You can purchase it here , a local bookstore, or wherever you prefer to purchase books.
You are warmly invited and encouraged to take part in person at the Pioneer Valley Shambhala Center. If you will be joining in virtually, please specify upon registration in the comments section. Our registrar will send you a zoom link close to when class begins.
Open Door Policy:
Our intent is to share the Shambhala Buddhist teachings with all who are interested in participating, regardless of financial circumstances.
Most of our programs have a Sustaining Fee — which represents the amount needed to cover the center’s costs, and includes things such as our rent, materials and supplies, etc. Our programs also have an Enriching Fee — for those who are able to offer more than the Sustaining Fee. Your generosity in offering the Enriching Fee helps cover the costs for those who are not able to pay the full price. Additionally, if you are able to give more, please consider donating more than the Enriching Fee by choosing the Empowering Fee.
The donations of members and program fees allows PVSC to continue offering classes and a space in which to practice. If the full Sustaining Fee is an obstacle for you, please offer as much of the Sustaining Fee as you can by clicking the “Pay what you can afford” option when registering.